Christiaan Strydom, a #UNTU member and safety officer of Transnet Freight Rail Rail Network Construction (RME) in Richardsbay accepted the challenge by UNTU trade union representative Albertus Posthumus at Transnet Engineering Cambridge Wagons in East London, to follow his example by donating blood.

Christiaan has been employed by Transnet for the past 12 years. To date he donated 18 units of blood.

Albertus donated his 204 unit of blood at one of the centres of the South African National Blood Services (SANBS) on 20 April 2021.

He has been working for Transnet for the past 40 years and started donating blood when he was only 16 years old.

Albertus challenges all UNTU members to follow his example by donating blood.

The blood stocks of the blood bank are currently amidst the Covid-19 pandemic critically low. The blood bank is urgently in need of groups AB- and O-donors to donate blood.

The SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of 5 days for each blood group to ensure sustained blood availability for patients in need.

Less than 1% of South Africans are active blood donors. A unit of blood only lasts 42 days after donation and, for this reason, it is important for blood donors to donate regularly. Donors can give blood as often as every eight weeks.

Every unit of blood can save a minimum of three lives as blood is separated into red blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

SANBS aims to collect 3000 units of blood per day to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply in the health care system. This is the journey of 1 unit of donated blood.

Remember, your blood saves lives.

If you take up the challenge, please WhatsApp a photo of yourself donating blood to 082 463 6806 so that it can be posted on #UNTU’s social media pages. Let us show the world that #UNTUCares.



UNTU Greetings.



S Carstens: Media, Liaison and Communication Officer

o.b.o SA Harris



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