As stipulated below please find the dates for the Area Committee Meetings 2016.
5 October 2016 Durban
6 October 2016 Port Elizabeth
7 October 2016 Cape Town
11 October 2016 Kimberley
12 October 2016 Bloemfontein
13 October 2016 Pretoria
14 October 2016 Johannesburg
Above dates are subject to change. Items will be requested for the Agenda. However a circular letter will be send out in this regard.
All parties involved must please diarise these dates and avail themselves to attend the above mentioned meetings as per their respective areas/regions.
Please take cognisance that the logistic arrangements in terms of the venue, time, release request and personal letters will be forwarded to you in due course.
For any further enquiries in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact Head Office.
UNTU Greeting