Our Circular Letter, REF: UN/CL/TRANS.242/TM/av dated 2904-2022 refers.
UNTU leadership requested to meet with Transnet GCE and the meeting was held virtually on 22 April 2022.
The concerns from our members have been raised regarding not being able to purchase the Transnet residential properties they are currently occupying. Some of these concerns emanated from amongst others, the Employees’ inability to qualify for finance as a result of being blacklisted and the financial institutions being unable to assist employees with finance (bonds) to purchase the properties that they are occupying as a result of the Employees’ low earnings.
To assist Employees, where possible, Management has requested that more detailed information is obtained from Members so that suitable solutions for the Group and suitable solutions for the individuals based on their own challenges / circumstances may be identified and considered. To this end Members, which are experiencing / may experience challenges regarding the purchase of the Transnet property in which they reside are requested to provide the following information to Transnet Management:
- ID number
- SAP number
- Area where Employee resides
- Details of the property they wish to purchase (detailed address)
- Any other additional information that may assist in identifying possible solution which may be deployed by Transnet to assist Members to purchase the property.
Members who wish to purchase the Transnet residential properties in which they reside are urged to submit the information as indicated above via email to Mandiwe Nkosi at email address
Esteemed greetings,
Cobus van Vuuren