It is unfortunate that the United National Transport Union (UNTU) once again needs to caution our members about the dangers and consequences of participating on any social media platform, irrespective of your own closed social media account, those of your employer or the social media accounts of the Union.

Over the past few months, with the continuation of the wage negotiations at the Transnet Bargaining Council (TBC) and at the Prasa Bargaining Forum, our members have taken to UNTU’s Facebook page to voice their frustrations, concerns and views about the process, about the Union and about their irrespective employers.

UNTU had to remove several of these comments and even had to ban individuals who exposed themselves to disciplinary steps by their employers and in some instances, contravened the Constitution of the Union by bringing UNTU into disrepute which could lead to their suspension from the Union.

The Executive Council of UNTU deems it necessary to once again point out that derogatory words, slanderous remarks and blatant lies towards any institution or individual will not be tolerated. Please think twice before you interact on social media.

General Social Media Don’ts:

1. DON’T provide confidential or other proprietary information. If there’s any question in your mind, err on the side of keeping silent.

2. DON’T refer to your employer or fellow colleagues in a negative manner. Remember whatever you publish on social media becomes public immediately and will remain with you for your entire career.

3. DON’T assume that posting anonymously will keep your identity secret, if you publish inappropriate comments and content.

4. DON’T use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any online conduct that would not be acceptable at work.

5. DON’T just like someone’s comment. Read what is said and associate yourself with the words or photo before you like it or retweet it.

Social Media do’s:

1. DO make certain that your online profiles and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues and your employer. Model good behaviour.

2. DO take personal responsibility for the content that you publish on any public forum.

3. DO be selective. You don’t have to accept every friend request that comes your way. It’s okay to restrict your Facebook friends list to people you know.

4. DO practice positivity. If you like a post, like it. Got an encouraging word to say? Go ahead and comment. Post a story, video or picture that’s bound to make people smile.

If you’re going to act impulsively on social media, let this be the way you do it.

Issued on behalf of UNTU by Sonja Carstens, Media and Liaison Officer. For UNTU Press Statements phone 082 463 6806 or e-mail

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