UNTU wishes to make it once again categorically clear to all Branch Officials and Trade Union Representatives, that due process be followed in terms of the Covid-19 regulations when face-to-face depot/branch meetings are being arranged in line with UNTU’s mandate process on the Facilitators proposed 4% wage increase to Transnet employees.
Please also take cognisance of the confirmation by Transnet’s Group Employee Relations Manager, Mxolisi Ratsibe to General Secretary, Steve Harris that face-to-face meetings on Transnet premises are permitted on condition that the Covid-19 protocol are strictly adhered to i.e.-
- Wear a face mask at all times when interfacing with others or when in public.
- Wash or sanitize your hands on a regular basis.
- Maintain a distance of at least 2 metres between individuals.
We therefor appeal to all our Branch Officials and Trade Union Representatives to ensure that the venues for depot/branch meetings are Covid-19 ready and strictly adhere to the Covid-19 protocol at all times so that we can continue to combat the spreading of the virus.
Once again, where face-to-face meetings cannot take place, we request that the Branch Chairperson and Branch Secretary consult with the relevant TURs to consolidate their “Mandates”.
Where no branch election has taken place yet, we request that the TUR liaise with their local FTUR who will then submit their “Mandates”.
Your fullest co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Esteemed greetings,
SA Harris