Please be advised that Mr J de Koker from the Kazerne branch has been elected as the Executive Councillor for the Central Region, the vacancy left by the late Mr Nick Els.
We refer to the correspondence dated 26th of July 2011 wherein the management communicated the approach to the deal were employees who were trapped in their locomotives due to the severe weather conditions affecting the Kwa […]
The Parties being Management and Labour (UTATU and SARWHU) met at the Bargaining Council on Monday 18 July 2011 to discuss the extention of the Shift Agreement.
UTATU after obtaining a Mandate from its members thereby […]
During a meeting facilitated by John Brand between Transnet Management and Organized Labour on 11 July 2011 concerning this topic the following transpired: Please see the attached.
Click to read/download the document(s):
OBML 006.6 Cascading […]