2015-2018 Transnet Signed Wage Settlement Agreement2015-2018 Signed Wage Settlement Agreement Download(function($) {$("head").append("#dfd-call-to-action-67bf65d175759-2497.style-1 .content-block {padding-left: 35px; padding-right: 40px;}@media only screen and (max-width: 799px) {#dfd-call-to-action-67bf65d175759-2497.style-1 .content-block {padding-right: 35px;}}#dfd-call-to-action-67bf65d175759-2497.style-1 .button-block {padding-left: 40px; padding-right: 35px;}@media only screen and (max-width: 799px) {#dfd-call-to-action-67bf65d175759-2497.style-1 .button-block {padding-left: 35px;}}#dfd-call-to-action-67bf65d175759-2497.style-2 […]
Artisan Agreement
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A meeting was held on 10 October 2011, with the view of settling the above dispute. Various proposal were made, however to date, no agreement has been reached. UTATU has requested an urgent follow-up meeting with […]
Agreement 2012 Implementation Of Total Guaranteed Package: All Junior Employees: Prasa
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Emanating from the Prasa Wage Agreement of 2011/2012 with special reference to clause 3.3 where it states that the finalisation of the implementation of the Total Guaranteed Package will be 1 November 2011, we hereby wish […]
Memorandum Of Agreement
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Attached please find memorandum of understanding that was signed today in the Freight Rail Chamber of the Transnet Bargaining Council with regards to the extention of the Variation Agreement within Transnet Freight Rail.
Click to […]
Extension Of The Collective Agreement In Respect Of Shift Work In Transnet Rail Engineering (TRE)
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The Parties being Management and Labour (UTATU and SARWHU) met at the Bargaining Council on Monday 18 July 2011 to discuss the extention of the Shift Agreement.
UTATU after obtaining a Mandate from its members thereby […]