Notice is hereby given that the Roles and Responsibilities of the Chairmen and Secretaries of the Area Committees are as follows:


1. The Committees will consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a  Secretary and a Gender Coordinator

2. The Role of the Committees will be to co-ordinate the branches in the  Area / Region and to ensure that they are functioning in terms of the   Constitution.

3. Assisting them with guidance and advise as and when required.

4. They will also represent the Union in all The Federation and  Government Structures relating to any matter that requires Labour
involvement and that could impact in any way on the members of the  Union as directed by Head Office.

5. That the Area Committee will meet at least twice a year, with dates as determined by the President and the General Secretary.

6. The Role of the above is not to co-ordinate and attend branch meetings.
7. It is also not the role of the above to travel in the Area/Region to attend to Trade Union Representatives duties such as assisting members at Disciplinary Hearings.

8. Duly elected TUR`s are available at workplaces/depots to assist and guide members.

9. Duly elected Branch Secretaries and Branch Chairman are available to assist and guide the TUR`s.

10. Physical visits of Area Committee Office Bearers should thus not be necessary as telephone and electronic communication is suffice to determine the functioning of the branches.

The Office of the General Secretary trusts that the above clarifies the roles and responsibilities of Area Committees and that in the future there should be no ambiguity between their roles and that of the Executive Council Members.

UNTU Greetings
Eddie de Klerk
OBO Mr SA Harris
General Secretary

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