Clause 15.4.1 of the Constitution states as follows:
“The Branch Committees normally meet at least every two (2) months on a date and place to be determined by the Branch Chairperson.”
– In effect it means that a branch has to have at least six (6) branch meetings a year
– Branch Chairpersons and Secretaries are paid a monthly fee of R300 per month yet a mere eleven (11) percent of these branches are functioning in terms of the Constitution.
At the recently held meeting of the Executive Council it was decided that as from 1 April 2016 branches that do not function in terms of the Constitution, the said amounts will not be paid to the defaulting Branch Chairman and Secretaries.
To this end Branches are urgently requested to start functioning as per the Constitution by convening branch meetings at least every second (2) month.
Your co-operation will be highly appreciated.
UNTU Greetings,