The following branches are declared as the winners of the following trophies:-
The Neels Botha Trophy goes to Transnet Engineering – Uitenhage, the Bob Perry Trophy goes to, Kroonstad, the Gert Otto Trophy to Metro West, and the Steve Harris Trophy to Transnet Engineering – Swartkops.
All four these branches functioned exceptionally well and are indeed worthy winners of this great honour.
Branches with more than 400 members compete for the Neels Botha Trophy, branches between 200 – 399 members for the Bob Perry Trophy, branches between 100 – 199 for the Gert Otto Trophy, and branches with 99 members and less for the Steve Harris Trophy.
Points for all four trophies are allocated on exactly the same basis as follows:
a) 30 Points for every meeting held during the year; (maximum 15)
b) Evaluation of minutes of monthly meetings of branches based on a scale of 1-10, which include agenda, minutes sequence, signed by the Chairman, etc. (maximum 15 meetings).
Below please see the list of Branches with points obtained. Branches that have not functioned according to the Constitution are not listed below and did not qualify for branch commission.
Hearty congratulations to the winners, Transnet Engineering – Uitenhage, Kroonstad; Metro West and Transnet Engineering – Swartkops. Your cheque (Prize Money) will be posted soon!!!
Trust that this will inspire all other branches to improve on their performance and challenge these winners in the new financial year!!!
UNTU Greetings and Congratulations!!!!
SA Harris