The United National Transport Union (UNTU) welcomes and accepts the invitation of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to try and resolve the #GautrainStrike entering its fifth day today.

While #UNTU members and their families are suffering without payment, thousands of commuters have been left stranded and frustrated by the Bombela Operating Company (BOC) reduced service during peak time to try and minimise the effect of the strike.

“The situation is bound to continue like this indefinitely if BOC is left to its own devices. BOC had to suspend its services completely this weekend but had not attempted to resolve the dispute since the deadlock on Saturday, 28 July 2018,” says Steve Harris, General Secretary of UNTU.

While both the MEC of Transport in Gauteng and the Minister of Transport has remained silent to date, the CCMA extended its offer to assist to help resolving the dispute in terms of section 150 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA).

“In terms of the LRA the CCMA may offer its assistance if the Commission is aware that the resolution of the dispute would be in the public interest,” says Harris.

The CCMA have not yet determined a date. Both parties must agree to the process and BOC is not responding. UNTU members will today (03 August 2018) be picketing outside the Gautrain Centurion Station. Until yesterday they remained 100m from the gates of the Gautrain Depot in Midrand.

“Unfortunately, the #UNTU strike Marshal’s reported two incidents where managers of BOC stopped their cars and made comments, trying to provoke striking employees. This is typical of the arrogance with which the BOC management team have handled the negotiation process so far. The result of their arrogance was the deadlock in wage negotiations.

“While BOC keeps on trying to mislead the media with its so-called calculations of the demand of #UNTU members, its remains hell bound not to disclose its financial statements. If BOC was not hiding the huge profits being paid to its French Concessionaire, why hide the financial statement that could resolve the dispute?” asks Harris.

UNTU gave BOC notice that the members of the Union, 350 (90%) of BOC’s employees, would be embarking on a protected strike after the CCMA issued a certificate of non-resolution of the dispute.

Issued on behalf of the UNTU by Sonja Carstens, Media, Liaison and Communication Officer. For UNTU Press Statement phone 082 463 6806 or e-mail sonja@untu.co.za.


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