Credit Rescue provides a holistic debt management service which will assist members of the United National Transport Union who are over-indebted and experiencing financial
As a result of the COVID-19 national lockdown consumers are over indebted and cannot service their debt. Credit Rescue assist to rehabilitate and educate their clients onto a path of Creditworthiness.
Credit Rescue can assist by reducing instalments with up to 50% without burdening members of the United National Transport Union (UNTU) with a further loan.
Credit Rescue is South Africa’s largest Debt Rehabilitation Company which has been in existence for the past 18 years. Their mission is to extend a helping hand to UNTU members in times of financial stress.
Steve Harris, General Secretary of UNTU, says the financial wellness of UNTU members is of utmost importance to the Union.
Credit Rescue offers:
- Debt restructuring
* Debt Review Services (Formal)
* Debt Settlement Agreement (Informal)
- Garnishee Order Rescissions & Recoveries
- Administration Order Reversals
Credit Rescue implements a Rigid Debt Management program that includes:
- The restructuring and repayment of total Debt
- One convenient payment from the Client towards the total Debt amount.
- Signed Power of Attorney
- Stop Order deduction with client
- Regular Debt facilitation and training by our team of Debt and Legal
Practitioners via one to one consultations and Debt workshop clinics.
Mr Shafiq Dalvie can be contacted on 061 4252 549 or 021 762 0039. For general enquiries e-mail
UNTU Greetings.