Pursuant to our previous CL letter Ref: U/REST.006/EDK/MH dated 2016-01-29. Please be advised of the following.
The Task team under the auspices of the Transnet Restructuring Committee met yesterday the 15th February 2016 and the following items were discussed.
1. The secondment of In-Service Employees from Transnet Freight Rail to Transnet Engineering.
a) All the effected employees within In-service have received secondment letters.
b) All employees have been engaged within all the Depots.
2. The name list of the effected Employees:
a) Transnet Freight Rail Management indicated that they are in the process of finalising the list in consultation with the Depot HCP office, and once this is completed it will be distributed to Labour during of the course of this week.
3. Effected Sand Dryer Employees
a) Management indicated that the two business Units namely Transnet Freight Rail and Engineering are still in further engagements as to where the Sand Dryer employees belong, and Labour will be informed once a decision has been concluded.
4. Condition of Employment.
a) Management of Transnet Engineering indicated that they are in a position to forward formal proposals to Labour in respect of their position on the terms of the Condition of Service for the traditional In-Service and Out-Service of Locomotive and Wagons.
b) This will be distributed to Labour by Monday 22 February 2016 and the parties will engage at the Bargaining Council on the 23rd of February 2016.
You will be kept abreast of any further developments in this regard.
UNTU Greetings.
Obo Mr SA Harris